最近挪威國家博物館專家證實,《吶喊》畫中隱藏的句子「只有瘋子畫得出來」,乃是由孟克(Edvard Munch)本人所寫,令這位畫風沉鬱的挪威畫家再次成為媒體焦點。
倫敦蘇富比下週舉行的跨門類拍賣,就帶來兩幅繪於20世紀初的孟克畫作。一幅乃是孟克受託為一間兒童房繪畫的裝飾畫,另一幅則是罕見於私人市場的孟克自畫像,前者估價£900萬 - 1,200萬(HK$9,500萬 - 1.25億;NT$3.5億 - 4.7億);後者估價£450萬 - 650萬(HK$4,700萬 - 6,800萬;NT$1.7億 - 2.5億)。
兩畫擁有非常相似的經歷,被納粹德國視為「墮落藝術」(degenerate art),在二戰期間險被毀掉。幸得挪威著名船東兼孟克作品收藏家奧爾森(Thomas Olsen)偷偷藏好,才令它們倖免於難。
孟克《與調色板的自畫像》,估價£450萬 - 650萬
在19世紀末至20世紀初,孟克展開《生命的飾帶》(Frieze of Life)系列創作。此系列的主題囊括生命、愛情、恐懼、死亡和憂鬱等。無人不曉的《吶喊》正是屬於這系列。
Lot 115|《夏日》或《沙灘上的擁抱》(馬克斯・林德宅的橫幅畫)|油彩畫布
創作時間:1904 年
尺幅:90.5 x 194.9cm
- Städtische Kunsthalle, Mannheim (acquired from the artist in 1926, inv. no. 647; deaccessioned on 28th August 1937)
- Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda, Berlin (transferred from the above in 1937, inv. no. 6080; titled Selbstbildnis)
- Harald Holst Halvorsen, Oslo (acquired from the above in December 1938. Sold: Harald Holst Halvorsen i Wangs Kunsthandels lokale, Oslo, Edv. Munch tyske museumsmalerier, 23rd January 1939, lot 34 (titled Selvportrett med palett))
- Thomas Olsen, Oslo (purchased at the above sale for NK 15.000)
- Thence by descent to the present owner
估價:£9,000,000 - 12,000,000
今次拍賣的橫幅風景畫《夏日》或《沙灘上的擁抱》(馬克斯・林德宅的橫幅畫),就是在這段時間繪下,亦屬來自《生命的飾帶》系列作品之一。此作繪於1904年,尺幅90.5 x 194.9 cm。
Lot 114|孟克《與調色板的自畫像》|油彩畫布
尺幅:90 x 68 cm
- Städtische Kunsthalle, Mannheim (acquired from the artist in 1926, inv. no. 647; deaccessioned on 28th August 1937)
- Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda, Berlin (transferred from the above in 1937, inv. no. 6080; titled Selbstbildnis)
- Harald Holst Halvorsen, Oslo (acquired from the above in December 1938. Sold: Harald Holst Halvorsen i Wangs Kunsthandels lokale, Oslo, Edv. Munch tyske museumsmalerier, 23rd January 1939, lot 34 (titled Selvportrett med palett))
- Thomas Olsen, Oslo (purchased at the above sale for NK 15.000)
- Thence by descent to the present owner
估價:£4,500,000 - 6,500,000
另一幅拍賣的畫作《與調色板的自畫像》,尺幅90 x 68 cm。此作繪於1926年,當時孟克已年屆五旬,並回歸家鄉挪威。這時期的孟克從崩潰抑鬱中恢復過來。此作色調鮮明,畫中的孟克看似充滿力量。
另一幅孟克自畫像《Self-Portrait by The House Wall》同年繪畫,畫中的孟克樣子同樣自信滿滿。該作現藏於奧斯陸孟克美術館。
奧爾森收藏的孟克作品眾多,包括粉彩版本的《吶喊》。2012年,奧爾森的兒子將這幅《吶喊》帶往拍賣,連佣近US$1.2億(HK$9.35億)天價成交,一度登上「拍賣史上最貴畫作」排行榜第六位,畫作由紐約富商Leon Black購下。
《夏日》亦曾於2006年在倫敦蘇富比拍賣,連佣以近£620萬成交。今次此作以£900萬 - 1,200萬估價上拍,在15年間升值約45%。至於《與調色板的自畫像》自1939年之後,沒再於拍賣場現身。孟克的自畫像大多由博物館及藝術機構收藏,落入私人收藏的相對罕有,相信將引來一番瘋搶。
此專場稱作「Modern Renaissance跨門類拍賣」,拍品固然橫跨文藝復興時期的古典油畫,到當代巨匠的精彩創作。
焦點拍品包括英國巨匠David Hockney構圖特別的風景畫、畢加索為繆思女神Dora Maar繪畫的肖像畫,以及意大利文藝復興畫家波萊烏洛的《青年肖像》,畫作資料輯錄於下:
Lot 117|霍克尼(David Hockney)《實用知識:荷蘭高木(隨霍貝瑪之作)》|壓克力彩畫布,共六部分
尺幅:165.1 x 368.3 cm(連框)
- Pace Gallery, New York
- Acquired from the above by the present owner in 2018
估價:£6,500,000 - 8,500,000
Lot 120|畢加索(Pablo Picasso,1881-1973)《扶手椅上的女子坐像》|油彩畫布
尺幅:130 x 97 cm
- Galerie Louis Carré, Paris (acquired by 1945)
- Private Collection, USA (sold: Sotheby’s, New York, 13th November 1985, lot 69A)
- Galería Theo, Madrid (inv. no. T. 352) (acquired by 1988)
- Jacques Hachuel, Burgos (acquired from the above. Sold: Christie’s, London, 3rd February 2003, lot 80)
- Purchased at the above sale by the present owner
估價:£6,500,000 - 8,500,000
Lot 109|波萊烏洛(Piero del Pollaiuolo,1441-1496)《青年肖像》|蛋彩及油彩畫板
尺幅:49.2 x 35.5 cm
- Probably acquired by William Wilshere (1806–1867), The Frythe, Welwyn, Hertfordshire, or by his brother Charles Willes Wilshere (1814–1906), whose wife Elizabeth Farmer's great-nephew inherited the estate;
- Captain Gerald Maunsell Wilshere (1898–1972) – who changed his name from Farmer, in accordance with the terms of his great-aunt's will – The Frythe, Welwyn, Hertfordshire, 1934;
- By whom sold, London, Sotheby’s, 21 October 1942, lot 100 (as Florentine School), for £3,300 to Mendelssohn Bartholdy;
- Edith Mendelssohn Bartholdy, née Speyer (1882–1969), London, acting for a private collector, probably Merton;
- Sir Thomas Ralph Merton (1888–1969), Stubbings House, Maidenhead, Berkshire, by 1950;
- Then by descent to his wife Lady Violet Marjory Merton (1891–1976);
- By whose Trustees sold (‘The Property of the late Lady Merton, sold by Order of the Trustees’), London, Christie’s, 13 December 1985, lot 78 (as Cosimo Rosselli, dating to the 1460s);
- Where acquired by the father of the present owners.
估價:£4,000,000 - 6,000,000
專場:Modern Renaissance: A Cross-Category Sale